coming soon: Bikini Fun Girl
Originally published in August 2003 SCORE, Lorna enjoys more of Key Largo, Florida. On her site, Lorna answers the subject of tattoos, which so many models get these days. "Most people I know who tattoo and pierce themselves do it for very personal reasons. They might get a sexual buzz from it or like the image it gives them. I don't get any sexual buzz from looking at those things and I don't dislike them either. I know that my tastes change all the time and even now I look at some things differently than I did a few months ago. I couldn't permanently mark my body because I might like it today but I run the risk of hating it tomorrow. I don't see the point in putting myself in that situation. I can get a henna tattoo and there are lots of pretty ones. I don't think I will ever go down that permanent road. It's not me!"